I’m very excited about this life changing step you are considering making towards better physical, emotional and mental health for your entire family, as you give your baby the gift of great sleep. I want you to know that my passion is to equip you with everything you need to not only teach your baby to be a fabulous sleeper, but to give you the resources and tools to keep sleep solid throughout their childhood. Teaching your baby how to get the sleep they need will impact them their entire lives, give them a foundation of stability and will help them weather the stresses and demands that life will inevitably hand them as they grow and mature.
I’ve been a Sleep Sense Consultant for almost 7 years and have a 100% success rate with my private coaching clients who follow my custom plans closely. It has been very rewarding seeing lives change and families be able to catch their breath. Unfortunately, there are always more suffering families than I can personally coach on a one-on-one basis. So that’s why I’ve created this new format of group sleep coaching. It not only allows me to get these strategies and tools into the hands of more exhausted parents, but it also makes this process much more affordable, allowing almost anyone to be able to participate.
I will be providing you with everything I give my private coaching clients:
1: Important sleep education. This knowledge will allow you to understand how to keep sleep on track because you will know what sabotages sleep and what promotes sleep.
2: A custom sleep training plan. You will have a step-by-step, simple to follow training program that will address the exact issues that are hindering your baby’s sleep. Not every baby is the same. That’s why cookie cutter plans often fail.
3: I will talk you through every step of the program, making sure you not only understand how to implement it, but that you have clarity about why the steps are important. There will be opportunity for you to get all of your questions answered so that you won’t be second guessing yourself once you begin training. Class size is limited to allow me the luxury of being able to offer a Q & A.
4: I will provide a few short breaks during this webinar to allow you to stretch, get a drink or a bit of fresh air. In my experience, parents who come to me for help are very tired, making it difficult to pay attention for long periods of time. So I will do my best to keep this concise and to help you get the most out of it.
5: You will have the option to receive my private coaching support, should you feel you need that extra help to get through the training process. (Subject to my availability)
6: After the webinar is completed, you will receive many additional tools to allow you to keep sleep on track as baby grows and matures. These tools address issues like:
adjusting nap and feed schedules as baby grows
teething issues around sleep
how to manage sickness
maneuvering daylight savings time
strategies for when you travel
transitioning a toddler to a regular bed
effective ways to promote positive cooperation from toddlers
to make sure you have everything you need to ensure long term sleep success, you will have access to my personal coaching help anytime in the future, should you hit a sleep bump you can’t resolve.
You and your baby can be sleeping great within a week of beginning training. Take a second to imagine how your life would change once you are all getting the sleep you need. So feel proud of yourself for stepping out in faith to secure a happier, more rested future!
Just fill in the form and you will receive an email to register.

If you would like to discuss your child’s sleep struggles and how I can help you get them resolved, just give me a call! 720-646-4086. You’ve got nothing to lose and fabulous sleep for the whole family to gain!
(720) 646-4086